Software Engineering

Each passing day, more companies take the step to switch their systems to specialized, tailored to their needs, software. An organization’s technologies, just like the organization itself, must be capable of adapting to the business’ reality and changes, all while being able to integrate with inherited systems and business know-how seamlessly. As such, technological infraestructure shall be a tool for progress. This level of efficiency requires adequate software, which in turn can be attained through made-to-order software engineering.
Our work at Qwi specializes in software engineering services that yield a strong technological leverage for the user. We work closely with our clients in order to provide technological solutions that cover all their needs. Our workflow adds value to the whole development process, from initial system design to the final steps of deployment and maintenance.
We make use of cutting-edge techniques which, combined with our philosophy of favouring automation, guarantee time- and cost-effective systems. Our team pays special attention to quality, both on our development processes and final product, as delivered to our client.
Our software engineering process
System design and architecture planning. We follow software engineering best practices in order to ensure quality troughout the whole project.
Software development based on cutting-edge technologies and our extensive know-how on essential programming languages.
Thorough testing processes, followed by deployment and long term maintenance that ensures a long functional life for every project.
After fifteen years of offering novel software engineering services,
we are confident in our hability to provide gamechanging solutions.
Our work at Qwi excels through projects related to real time systems,
high availability systems, parallel processing and high efficiency algorithms.